Sunday, October 9, 2022

Toward a Just World: We've Come Far, But Still Have Far to Go

We’ve progressed far toward a just world in recent centuries. A 2019 BBC article “Seven reasons wby the world is improving” is one of many that discuss these advances. But there’s still far to go to attain success on our planet.

My earlier Google Blogger article “Worldwide Prosperity Is Possible: Some Suggested Steps Toward It” discussed certain aspects of this. Now I discuss several signs of progress over years, decades, and centuries, as well as some failures in our search for a just world.

Signs of Progress and of Limitations

In recent centuries slavery has been abolished in most of the world.
Still, it remains in some places.

Colonialism has ended in most places.
But it still remains in some..

Racial discrimination is decreasing.
But it still remains.

Sex discrimination has decreased.
But it still remains.

Immunizations to prevent diseases have virtually eliminated some illnesses.
But others remain widespread.

New medicines can often cure or at least alleviate many illnesses.
But more can be done.

Google Translate makes communication between persons using different languages easier.
But relatively few persons communicate with those of other languages.

Portable cell phones that can be carried in a pocket do marvelous things.
But we often use them for playing games instead of more useful purposes.

Desktop computers, laptops, iPads, USB flash drives, etc., provide abundant resources.
But we are sometimes overwhelmed with information and fail to maintain a balanced life.

Seat belts, child seats, etc., make automobile travel safer.
But reckless driving continues too often.

Water treatment systems make relatively safe water widely available.
But some areas still lack safe water.

Air quality is better than it was decades ago in many areas.
But widespread air pollution continues in a lot of urban places.

Modern jets, cars, ships, etc., make travel faster and easier than in the past.
But costs limit the number of persons who regularly access them.

The Internet makes almost unbelievable amounts of information accessible to most.
But we often fail to use it properly and often accept false information instead of facts. .

Formerly legal harmful drugs such as heroin are now banned.
But drug abuse persists even of legal drugs beneficial when used properly.

Multilateral resources like the United Nations help resolve world problems.
But selfish behavior of various nations limits the UN’s effectiveness.

International aid organizations help around the world.
But their resources are limited in the face of huge needs.

Modern production methods greatly increased production of quality foods and other goods.
But widespread droughts and some wars are leading to product shortages.

Cooperative methods of combatting natural disasters have advanced dramatically.
But increasing natural disaster severity increases property losses and risks to lives.

Actions to Undertake: The United States May Lead

The United States can take a leading role in helping achieve a just world. True, the United States is not as dominant economically in the world as it was a few decades ago. And its dominance in other areas remains questionable. But, overall the U.S. remains the most influential nation on Earth as I see it. This country needs to behave responsibly, make our United States flag (pictured below in a 2016 file photo of one near Lexington, Kentucky courthouses) a proud symbol of commitment to justice in our country and wherever it waves around the world via Navy ships, etc.

Let's seek to stop or greatly reduce drug abuse. It’s terrible that so many persons around the world abuse so many drugs in so many ways. Somehow we need to find a way to treat those currently doing it, and to prevent others from doing so in the future. U.S. citizens are major abusers of drugs. While stopping the inflow of illegal drugs to the U.S. is important, if our people stop desiring them, there won't be customers to import them to. Furthermore, we need to eliminate or greatly reduce the abuse of legal drugs that may be helpful when used properly.

Let's seek for international differences to be resolved fairly and peacefully, to eliminate or at least greatly reduce military abuses, including those of the U.S. military. The U.S. has the most powerful military in the world, and it needs to be used responsibly. Also, when U.S. military leaders and/or soldiers commit abuses, they need to be held accountable. It’s a horrible tragedy that in the 21st century human beings still do not manage to always settle differences fairly and peacefully without resorting to war and other forms of violent conflict.

Let's seek a worldwide commitment to integrity, to obedience to the highest righteous authority, which is a foundation of various major religions. Let's aim to put it into practice. Members of religions need to do a better job of teaching morals and correcting adherents in a loving way when those members fall short. Many of us in the U.S. pride ourselves on our nation's relative freedom of religion. In this country, I hope members of different faiths will genuinely seek the “true” faith whatever it may be.

More persons can give generously of their time, talents, and financial resources to help the needy help themselves. This may be the most important thing of all, when done under the leadership of the highest righteous authority, which I call God. U.S. citizens may already contribute generously locally, nationally, and internationally. But can do much more.

Together we can continue and accelerate progress toward a just world. Let’s seek to do so.

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