Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Worldwide Prosperity Is Possible: Some Suggested Steps Toward It

Prosperity worldwide is possible.

We can achieve it by following the correct path. Below I list numerous specific steps we can take to progress toward success.

Specific Steps Toward Worldwide Prosperity

We can seek to reconcile differences fairly and peacefully instead of fighting wars.

We can rebuild broken relationships via cards, letters, phone calls, emails, etc.

We can plant trees instead of complaining about impure air.

We can work productively at beneficial careers instead of being lazy.

If “retired,” we can do volunteer work locally, nationally, and/or internationally.

We can treat all persons fairly instead of practicing discrimination.

We can practice love instead of hatred.

We can smile instead of frowning.

We can avoid abusing legal and illegal drugs, including alcohol and tobacco.

We can seek to avoid risky behaviors like reckless driving, working unsafely, etc.

We can help one another instead of hindering.

We can practice sexual abstinence until marriage instead of selfish, sexual lust.

We can drink more water and less cola, beer, and coffee.

We can be content with what we have or ask for help instead of stealing.

We can share with the needy while encouraging them to work to better themselves.

We can donate to charity instead of spending money on piercings and tattoos.

We can be truthful instead of lying.

We can read helpful books, enjoy nature hikes, and apply what we learn to help others.

We can seek to use all our time wisely, which includes getting proper rest.

We can celebrate the successes of others without being jealous.

We can eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds, less junk food.

We can exercise by walking and/or bicycling while driving automobiles less.

When reasonable, we can use mass transit instead of driving in traffic.

We can put the highest righteous authority (which I call God) first, not human desires.

Closing Thoughts

My suggestions are just suggestions. You may share ideas to add to my list or share alternatives to some of them.

But, as I see it, a key is for us to genuinely seek to make ourselves better persons, more productive, and thus improve not just ourselves but those we contact and the entire world, as we work together toward a better planet.

Prosperity already exists in many areas. The June 2022 photo below I took on a visit to Chicago’s Riverwalk depicts what may be a flourishing area. But even in Chicago (and other successful places), sections are not prosperous. Huge disparities exist. We need to work for better locally wherever we are, as well as globally.

Indeed, it may be appropriate that I am writing this article on September 21, the annual International Day of Peace as noted by an article on the United Nations website and other media sources. One of the greatest wastes in the world is the waste that comes from war. Expenditures on military weaponry that could be used more constructively are a tragedy. Added to this are the enormous damage and destruction of property and persons in wars, as well as the loss of hours of time humans expend in the production, transportation, and use of military weaponry.

On a smaller scale, conflicts between friends and relatives take a negative toll on us.

But we can do better.

Human selfishness, greed may deter us from implementing constructive suggestions to improve things for us on this planet.

But all the suggestions I’ve mentioned are humanly possible if we genuinely seek to do them under the leadership of the highest righteous power, which I call God. Let’s seek to make improvements. Will you help?

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