Tuesday, April 25, 2023

What Is a Christian?

As I see it, a true Christian is one who puts obeying the highest righteous authority, God, first, regardless of what the Democratic Party, Republican Party, Masonic lodge, church pastors, or any other human organization or person supports.

It means putting God above the government. It means putting God above family. And yes, it means putting God above oneself.

And it means loving others, even one's enemies if one has any.

Is anyone really a true Christian? Perhaps not. But the closer each of us comes to being a true Christian, seeking to practice true Christianity, the better off things will be, as I see it.

I discuss my concept of authentic Christianity in my book, True Christianity: It May Not Be What You Think, third edition. Below is a photo of the front cover of that book.

Closing Thoughts

Readers interested in learning various details about Christianity and its history can do so by reading  numerous articles online, including the article "Christianity"on Britannica.com.

If someone put a gun to my head, asked me if I was a Christian and said that they would kill me if I was, I like to think that I'd reply something like "I try hard to do what is right, to be a follower of the best teachings, but I fall short of being a true follower of the book, a true Christian. What do you think I should do to do better?"

But I think one never really knows how one will behave in a particular situation until one faces it. In reality, I might panic and deny being a Christian three times, just as Peter is recorded in the Bible as three times denying knowing Jesus.

Finally, as I state near the end of my book, true Christianity may not be what I think it is either. I don't claim perfect insight into God or Christianity. God deserves the credit to the extent I succeed, and I am responsible for my failings. All any of us can do is seek to do our best and to trust God for the rest.

This article was last revised and updated on April 25, 2023, from a Google Blogger article originally published in 2015.